
Daring Play

“Oh…Wow. Chris. Just Wow.”

- Jean Miller,

Dean Fine Arts ISU & President International Council of Fine Arts Deans

Daring Play Talks

  • Talk + Live Stage Demo

    The modern workplace needs creativity but has mounting stress from rapid change, office politics, and outdated forms of collaboration for solving challenges. Top performers are quitting or leaving all together.

    Learn how to reconnect with the psychology of childhood creativity to ignite your well-being. Explore why we grow out of creativity as adults, why it causes workplace burnout, and the simple ways to overcome it.

    Observe live on-stage demonstrations in which participants use simple habits to transform creative collaboration.

  • Talk + Q&A

    The workplace is changing and a new generation is demanding higher emotional intelligence & improved collaboration.

    Unpack the evolution of human collaboration & its relationship to leadership. Learn the keys to protect a thriving & deeply connected creative culture.

    Explore ways to use boundaries to attract top talent, manage talent out, and build proven collaboration norms to create a thriving culture.

  • Talk + Live on Stage Design Sprint
    As the world changes rapidly, our outdated approaches to solving challenges become outdated. At the heart of these changes is fear. Learn how to navigate fear by focusing on both the users of our creations and the creators themselves.

    Discover how to transform uncertainty into relevant creative solutions for any challenge.

    Audience members will have the opportunity to join us on stage for a live 'improv-design' sprint. As flies on the wall, the audience will witness these participants tackle challenges with greater harmony, relevancy, empathy, speed, and creativity.